MedGuide is a free resource for medical students. Explore our PreMed section for some introductory anatomy videos or visit our ‘MedBank’ which contains thousands of MCQs to test your preclinical and clinical knowledge.

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A random selection of questions is displayed on this page. You can view our latest content here.

PreMed: Part One

Welcome to MedGuide's premedical series of content.  Here you will find a collection of videos and MCQs. Make your own notes, at your own pace, with the videos and then have a crack at the questions - don't worry, all questions are answerable from the video content....

Abnormal blood sugar pharmacology

🤔 MEDIUM This MCQ tests your basic understanding of the pharmaceutical management of diabetes, particularly T2DM, and some of the side effects. Good luck!Reviewed by Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak[mtouchquiz id=221 alerts=off multiplechances=off singlepage=on...

Endocrine Review Part I MCQ

🥵 HARD Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span endocrine physiology to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review[mtouchquiz id=51 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Abdominal Anatomy Part Three MCQ

🥵 HARD These anatomy MCQs focus on the abdominal viscera and include some clincal vignettes.Reviewed by: awaiting review

Epilepsy and Seizures

😀 EASY  A team up with NeuroSoc and MedGuide, this is a quiz - and lecture - for Physiology Day in February 2021.  Have a go at the questions ± give the lecture a watch!  Good luck! Awaiting reviewNeuro-Encrinology - available here Movement Disorders - available...

Gastrointestinal Physiology Review MCQ – Part 7

Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span the abdominal physiology and anatomy to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=50 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Approach to methods of contraception

🤔 MEDIUM Test yourself on this more challenging set of MCQs on different methods of contraception Reviewed by Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak

Tubular Processing and Electrolyte Balance MCQ

This is a series of questions covering the learning outcomes of the lecture. Best of luck! Reviewed by Daniel Mercer on 24 June 2019

Approach to the Patient with Child Fever – Part Four

🤔 MEDIUM This is the fourth approach to child fever.  Have another crack and, as ever, beware the strawberry tongue ... Reviewed by: awaiting review

Cellular Adaptation and Cellular Damage

Reviewed by: awaiting review