This is a quiz about the Pectoral Girdle, Shoulder, Arm & Elbow. Good luck!
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Pectoral Girdle, Shoulder, Arm & Elbow
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Question 1 |
Which part of the clavicle are fractures most likely to occur?
Acromioclavicular joint | |
Middle 1/3 | |
Lateral 1/3 | |
Medial 1/3 | |
Sternoclavicular joint |
Question 2 |
Which nerve is at risk of damage with a surgical neck of humerus fracture?
Ulna nerve | |
Subscapular nerve | |
Median nerve | |
Radial nerve | |
Axillary nerve |
Question 3 |
What is most at risk in a mid shaft fracture through the spiral groove?
Radial nerve & brachial artery | |
Ulna nerve & profunda brachii artery | |
Radial nerve & profunda brachii artery | |
Median nerve & profunda brachii artery | |
Ulna nerve & brachial artery |
Question 4 |
Which palpable landmark in the shoulder is used to locate access for the joint space?
Lesser tubercle | |
Intertubercular groove | |
Greater tubercle | |
Coracoid process | |
Acromion |
Question 5 |
A patient presents with winging of the scapula, which muscle is likely to be affected and which nerve innervates this muscle?
Latissimus Dorsi--> thoracodorsal nerve | |
Trapezius --> Accessory nerve | |
Serratus anterior--> long thoracic nerve | |
Infraspinatus--> suprascapular nerve | |
Levator scapulae --> dorsal scapula nerve & C3-4 |
Question 6 |
A patient presents with a shoulder dislocation following a fall. Which of the following is not an examination finding associated with damage to the axillary nerve?
Paralysis & wasting of deltoid & teres minor
| |
Paralysis & wasting of teres major & pectoralis major | |
Limb to hang limp by side
| |
Loss of shoulder contour
| |
Sensory loss over lateral shoulder (regimental badge region)
Question 7 |
What is the origin and insertion points of pectoralis minor?
Attaches to the clavicle, sternum & adjacent costal cartilages and the lateral side of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
| |
Attaches to ribs 1-4 and the acromion | |
Attaches to lateral clavicle, acromion, scapula spine and humerus | |
Attaches to ribs 3-5 and the coracoid process
| |
Attaches to the sternum and the inter tubercular groove |
Question 8 |
A patient has paralysis of deltoid due to a previous shoulder dislocation. On examination they are able to abduct their arm to around 20 degrees. Which muscle enables this movement?
Infraspinatus | |
Teres minor | |
Pectoralis major | |
Subscapularis | |
Supraspinatus |
Question 9 |
Which of the following is the lateral border of the axilla?
Intertubercular groove | |
Long head of biceps tendon | |
Serratus anterior and lateral thoracic wall | |
Posterior axillary fold & contents
| |
Anterior axillary fold & contents |
Question 10 |
What is the order of lymph drainage from the humerus?
Humeral --> Central--> Subscapular--> Supraclavicular | |
Humeral--> Pectoral--> Apical--> Supraclavicular | |
Humeral--> Central--> Apical--> Supraclavicular | |
Humeral--> Supscapular--> Central--> Supraclavicular | |
Humeral--> Pectoral--> Central--> Supraclavicular |
Question 11 |
What does the bicipital aponeurosis cover?
Covers & protects radial nerve & radial artery | |
Covers & protects axillary nerve & axillary artery | |
Covers & protects median nerve & radial artery | |
Covers & protects median nerve & brachial artery | |
Covers & protects ulnar nerve & brachial artery |
Question 12 |
What nerve roots does the triceps tendon reflex test?
C7,C8 | |
C6,C7 | |
C5,C6 | |
C8,T1 | |
T1,T2 |
Question 13 |
Where is the ulnar nerve likely to be damaged?
Posterior to the olecranon | |
Anterior to the medial epicondyle | |
Posterior to the lateral epicondyle | |
Posterior to the medial epicondyle | |
Anterior to the lateral epicondyle |
Question 14 |
Which vein does the cephalic vein drain into?
Ulnar vein | |
Axillary vein | |
Basilic vein | |
Biceps vein | |
Median cubital vein |
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There are 14 questions to complete.