MedGuide is a free resource for medical students. Explore our PreMed section for some introductory anatomy videos or visit our ‘MedBank’ which contains thousands of MCQs to test your preclinical and clinical knowledge.

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Metabolism I MCQ

🤔 MEDIUM Eighteen questions test to your asic understanding of lipid and carbohydrate structure and function.Reviewed by Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak on 25 July 2019

Approach to the patient with positive HIV serology

🤔 MEDIUM HIV and AIDS are conditions surrounded in stigma, these questions will help ensure you are providing evidence based care for patients. Follow these links for more questions on HIV and questions on STIs.Reviewed by: awaiting review[mtouchquiz id=154 alerts=off...

Abdominal Anatomy Part Two MCQ

🥵 HARD These multiple choice questions about the abdomen mainly focus on the contents of the abdominal cavity and their neurovasculature. Good luck! Reviewed by Nick Lowe and Katrina Bogus

Approach to the Patient with Oedema – Part One

🤔 MEDIUM Here is the first of two questions on oedema.  A bit like that scene in the Harry Potter book where the muggle expands and floats off (hence the balloons).  There are two to choose from and here is one of them ... good luck! Reviewed by: awaiting...

Approach to the Patient with Child Fever – Part Four

🤔 MEDIUM This is the fourth approach to child fever.  Have another crack and, as ever, beware the strawberry tongue ... Reviewed by: awaiting review

Endocrine Review Part I MCQ

🥵 HARD Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span endocrine physiology to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review[mtouchquiz id=51 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Thorax Anatomy – Part One

🥵 HARD Below is a stretch-and-challenge MCQ of clinically applied thoracic anatomy addressing learning outcomes of both the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland's "Anatomical Society core regional anatomy syllabus for undergraduate medicine" and...

Musculoskeletal anatomy – Part 2

🤔 MEDIUM The musculoskeletal system is a fascinating topic. The quiz is about the bones, muscles and their associated arterial and nervous supply. Good luck! Reviewed by: awaiting review

Approach to the Patient with Abnormal Blood Sugar – Part One

🤔 MEDIUM I think every medical student appreciates the importance of understanding the principles of diabetes mellitus in the 21st century healthcare environment.  Have a crack at these three patients ... good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=182...

Approach to the Patient with Hoarseness

🤔 MEDIUM Hoarseness is a very common presentation.  It be can anything from infecious, neurological or simple trauma from talking too much.   Because I myself don't, ironically, want to talk too much, how about we just crack on with the questions?  Good luck! Reviewed...