Awaiting review

- Afferent and efferents of the reticular formation
- Disorders of the reticular formation and LOCÂ
- Include projected neurotransmitters and GCS calculation
- Nuclei of the amygdaloid complex and discreet functionality
- Structure of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus
- Afferent and efferent supply of the hippocampus
- Key limbic system disorders and temporal lobe dysfunctionÂ
- Destruction of the amygdaloid complex consequence

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Question 1 |
The dorsal raphe nucleus is which region of reticular formation?
The reticular activating system | |
The lateral reticular formation | |
The medial reticular formation | |
The median reticular formation | |
It is NOT a member of the reticular formation |
Question 2 |
When the mesopontine cholinergic fibres are active, and the locus coeruleus are inactive, what state of sleep exists?
This does not occur | |
This occurs only in light sleep | |
This occurs in light sleep and deep REM sleep | |
This occurs in deep REM sleep | |
This occurs in biphasic sleep and wakefulness |
Question 3 |
Wakefulness involves which reticular formation constituents?
Adrenergic outputs | |
Cholinergic outputs | |
Serotonergic outputs | |
Dopaminergic outputs | |
Mostly median nuclei |
Question 4 |
A model for reticular formation implication of the pathogenesis of schizoid disorders include
FGF23 causes a decrease the mesopontine projectile cholinergic population | |
ACh blockade occurs in the nucleus basilis Meynert | |
Mesopontine fibres have similar projection effect on the prefrontal cortex as mesocortical fibres | |
There is a reduction in developmental apoptosis of mesopontine cholinergic projection neurons | |
None of the above |
Question 5 |
Which particular glucocorticoid receptor subtype locations are implicated in working models of the reticular formation role in post traumatic stress disorder?
Nucleus accumbens | |
Hippocampus | |
Fimbriae | |
Mammillary bodies | |
Locus coeruleus |
Question 6 |
Which portion of the amygdaloid complex is associated intimately with cardiorespiratory regulation?
Basomedial | |
Basolateral | |
Centromedial | |
Centrolateral | |
Corticomedial |
Question 7 |
The fimbriae-fornix complex is responsible for connecting which two subcortical structures?
Entorhinal cortex and amygdala | |
Amygdala and hippocampus | |
Posterior commissure and habenulointerpeduncular tract | |
Hippocampus and mammillary bodies | |
Anterior thalamus and stria medullaris |
Question 8 |
Which is the most critical afferent connection for the hippocampus to receive information?
Subiculum | |
Entorhinal cortex | |
Dentate gyrus | |
CA 3 | |
Amygdala |
Question 9 |
The efferent hippocampal complex information projects to two regions. The first the mammillary bodies, the second are septal nuclei located ...
About the posterior perforated substance | |
Within the basalis pontis | |
Deep to the uncus | |
Within the parahippocampal gyrus | |
Within the subcallosal region |
Question 10 |
A patient with a sudden intense interest in religion, desire to draw and reduction of libido would most likely have a bespoke lesion to which tract network?
Cingulum | |
Fornix | |
Uncinate fasciculs | |
Mammillo-thalamic tract | |
Anterior thalamic projections |
Question 10 Explanation:
The uncinate fasciculus connects the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala. The condition above is Gershwind's syndrome.
Question 11 |
A patient unable to perceive a whole visual field, having difficulty with ocular fixation and an optic ataxia is most likely to have lesioned which tract networks?
Cingulum | |
Fornix | |
Mammillo-thalamic tract | |
Anterior thalamic projections | |
Uncinate fasciculus |
Question 12 |
Selective bilateral ablation of the amygdala complex would be most likely to result in which of the following presentations?
Hyperorality | |
Hypersexuality | |
Hypergraphia | |
Hypermetamorphosis | |
Anxiety disorder |
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There are 12 questions to complete.