MedGuide is a free resource for medical students. Explore our PreMed section for some introductory anatomy videos or visit our ‘MedBank’ which contains thousands of MCQs to test your preclinical and clinical knowledge.

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A random selection of questions is displayed on this page. You can view our latest content here.

Approach to the patient with a Lump in the Neck

🤔 MEDIUM Test yourself on this quiz on neck lumps! Be sure to read the stem carefully Reviewed by: awaiting review

Abnormal blood sugar pharmacology

🤔 MEDIUM This MCQ tests your basic understanding of the pharmaceutical management of diabetes, particularly T2DM, and some of the side effects. Good luck!Reviewed by Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak[mtouchquiz id=221 alerts=off multiplechances=off singlepage=on...

What is Health? MCQ

These MCQs have been created to test the focused learning outcomes that correspond to this lecture. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review

Approach to the Patient with Thyroid Disorder – Part One

🤔 MEDIUM Writing a question set on the thyroid gland gives me the perfect opportunity to tell one of my favourite medical-dad jokes: Chap goes to the doctor and says “it hurts when I touch my neck, my arm or my chest”. The doctor says, “you’ve broken your finger”....

Warwick Medical School Block One Mock – Part One

Welcome to this block one mock exam.  Allow yourself one minute per question, as per the exam, and try to do them all closed book.  Each question matches learning outcomes across anatomy, imaging, pharmacology and physiology.  Good luck! Reviewed by:...

Gastrointestinal Physiology Review MCQ – Part 5

Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span the abdominal physiology and anatomy to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=47 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Approach to the Patient with Hypertension

🤔 MEDIUM Hypertension is one of the most prevalent conditions to find walking down the street and in a GP clinic.  Here are some questions to test your knowledge modelled on the NICE 2020 Guidelines for Hypertension.  Second Author: Katrina Bogus Reviewed...

Gastrointestinal Clinical Correlates Part I

Without a keen understanding of pertinent anatomy and physiology, students will struggle to apply pathology and pharmacology throughout their training and practice.   MedGuide are happy to introduce this series of MCQ sets comprising core clinically-relevant...

Approach to the Paediatric Patient with Change in Bowel Habit – Part Two

🤔 MEDIUM A classic problem we've all had.  You've bought something tasty, you enjoy eating it ... but a few short hours later you don't feel right.  Have fun with this quiz of a classic vignette of infective gastroenteritis.  Bring your BNF and good luck! Reviewed by:...

Physiology of the Large Intestine MCQ

😀 EASY Test your knowledge of some basic facts about the large intestine, plus one or two trickier questions...Reviewed by Lena Berger and Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak