MedGuide is a free resource for medical students. Explore our PreMed section for some introductory anatomy videos or visit our ‘MedBank’ which contains thousands of MCQs to test your preclinical and clinical knowledge.

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A random selection of questions is displayed on this page. You can view our latest content here.

Approach to the Paediatric Patient with Changed Bowel Habit

😀 EASY In this first of a few question sets, we are going to examine the paediatric patient with a changed bowel habit.  This is a classic presentation that you should get your head around - and features prominently in the UKMLA "Child Health" Section.Reviewed by:...

Approach to a patient with a rash

🤔 MEDIUM Rashes are some of the most common presentation to GP practices, with most can be quite easy to identify. Have a go at some of these questions to test your knowledge - good luck!Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=216 alerts=off multiplechances=off...

Clinical waste

😀 EASY These questions were produced for Warwick Clinical Skills Society in October 2021 and cover some of the guidelines about the disposal of clinical and non-clinical waste. These are based on local guidelines and policies so will not necessarily be relevant to...

Clinical Neuroanatomy: Part Two

Touch is a near-essential sensory modality that we use so regularly. This MCQ begins to touch on areas of fine/crude touch and further afferent inputs to the CNS. See how you get on with this quiz.  Best of luck! Reviewed by: awaiting review[mtouchquiz id=73...

Approach to the Patient with Child Fever – Part Three

🤔 MEDIUM So here we go with the third child fever quiz. There are so many causes of this presentation that, truthfully, it would be a bit risky to not know the differential cold for your finals.  Have a go at another set of 11 questions - good luck as ever!Reviewed...

Introduction to the kidney

This MCQ tests understanding of basic priciples relating to kidney anatomy (microanatomical structure) and function (ex. main functions of the kidney). Peer reviewed by Jonathan Loomes-Vrdoljak on 5 August 2019[mtouchquiz id=11 alerts=off singlepage=on startscreen=off...

SocPop Revision MCQs 1

🤔 MEDIUM A range of SocPop questions dealing with biases, health behaviour and development. Good luck!Reviewed by: awaiting review

Gastrointestinal Physiology Review MCQ – Part 3

Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span the abdominal physiology and anatomy to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=42 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Muscle Structure and Pathology

🤔 MEDIUM This is a quiz on muscle structure and pathologies. Enjoy!Reviewed by: awaiting review


🤔 MEDIUM Here's the second part of the altered bowel habit question set we have.  Make sure you don't get stuck and miss the first part on constipation presentations!  Reviewed by: awaiting review