MedGuide is a free resource for medical students. Explore our PreMed section for some introductory anatomy videos or visit our ‘MedBank’ which contains thousands of MCQs to test your preclinical and clinical knowledge.

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A random selection of questions is displayed on this page. You can view our latest content here.

Movement Disorders

😀 EASY NeuroSoc and MedGuide hosted a fantastic, all-day neurophysiology session for phase I Warwick Medical Students (February 2021).  In this day, we gave eight lectures covering many of the Brain and Behaviour Preclinical contents.  Check out one of those...

Approach to the patient with Calcium Disturbance

🥵 HARD Challenge yourself on this harder set of questions on hyper and hypocalcaemia  Reviewed by: awaiting review

Acute Abdomen 2

🤔 MEDIUM A set of questions about the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with acute abdomen.Reviewed by: awaiting review

Approach to the patient with chronic joint pain

🤔 MEDIUM Meet two patients with chronic joint pain and test your rheumatology knowledge with this quiz! Enjoy!Reviewed by: awaiting review

Approach to the patient in Urinary Retention

🤔 MEDIUM Urinary retention can be an very painful condition with numerous causes. Test your knowledge with a couple of cases!Reviewed by: awaiting review

Approach to the patient with Pleuritic Chest Pain

🤔 MEDIUM Pleuritic chest pain is a very common presentation to both GP and A&E test if you know your pneumonias from your pulmonary embolisms!  Reviewed by: awaiting review

Introduction to the Pharmacology of Airway Disease MCQ

Airway disease is a bread-and-butter issue for a physician of the 21st century.  So a good grasp on the mechanism, and side effectsm of common drugs are vital. Good luck! Reviewed by: awaiting review

Gastrointestinal Physiology Review MCQ – Part 4

Review, and challenge, are an important part of learning. This quiz is part of a set that will span the abdominal physiology and anatomy to challenge your synoptic linking ability. Good luck!  Reviewed by: awaiting review [mtouchquiz id=45 alerts=off singlepage=on...

Approach to the Patient with Heart Murmur

🤔 MEDIUM  Test your knowledge of murmurs - but don't worry, the video should help!  Awaiting review Discuss the basic science relevant to valvular heart disease  Outine the common aetiology of systolic and diastolic murmur Discuss the most common left...

Musculoskeletal anatomy – Part 2

🤔 MEDIUM The musculoskeletal system is a fascinating topic. The quiz is about the bones, muscles and their associated arterial and nervous supply. Good luck! Reviewed by: awaiting review